Friday, January 22, 2010

Visiting Teacher - Self Reliant

I am not the best Visiting Teacher in the world, okay let's be honest, I'm terrible at it! Recently I got a new companion, Becca Thompkinson, she is so dang cute and very motivated. We have know visited all of our ladies 2 months in a row. For me that is huge! This month we visited 2 of our ladies 1 night and the other 2 a different night. 1 night was pre earth quake in Hatti the second was post earthquake. The lesson took on a whole new meaning for me post earthquake, it was about being self reliant. As I was reading over it for the second visit, I pondered those people in Hatti and thought about the chances of something like that happening right here in my home town. Would I be prepared? And really, how do you prepare yourself for something like that? The lesson mentioned something along the lines that we need to spiritual, mentally, and physically prepare ourselves. Are you ready for "the big one" to hit? I know I'm not. There are alot of things that I need to do to prepare myself. I better not delay, I should get started.

My first steps in getting "prepared" are going to be:

1) Add to my food storage - usable items
2) Obtain more water in my storage
3) Update and make sure everyone has 72 hour kits, including my dog
4) Read my scriptures
5) Pray more often
6) Trust in my Heavenly Father
7) Stock up on medical supplies, ie band aids, gauze, alcohol, Tylenol etc...
8) Stock up on toiletries, ie tooth brush, soaps, toilet paper

I'm sure there are many more things I need to do, but I think this might be a good start!

My heart goes out to the people of Hatti! May God bless them as they cope with this catastrophe. And may we all become more self reliant so that we can cope with our own catastrophes that may come our way, what ever they might be!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I will ever feel prepared even if I have everything. But, at least I feel that if something did happen, we could be ok for a while!
    Isn't it great to have lessons like that, ones that make us think and get us moving!!
