Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Reality Setting In

Yesterday kind of feels like a blur. I'm still in shock over what happened, it doesn't seem real. My eyes are showing their dislike over the whole thing as well. They feel a bit puffy due to all my crying. Truth is, when we first got the Tahoe, I hated it, I called it the big terd. But, it has grown on me the past few months, and now that it's all banged up and not here with us, I miss it! I am really grateful that we didn't sell the Honda. We kept meaning to, but just didn't. Obviously there was a reason for that. We went from a 4 car family to a 2 car family in two days. Tahoe smashed, waiting for the appraiser to let us know what the damages are, and the Truck headed into Freeway Transmission for the millionth time! (Stupid Transmission!) Still I am grateful for the fact that no one got hurt. No one was complaining this morning about aches and I haven't seen any bruises. Jessy struggled sleeping last night, but that's anything new. Other then that, the Tahoe took the brunt of the pain! Thanks Tahoe and thank Heavens for our guardian angels who were with us yesterday!

Thank you to all of you who commented on my post. I am thankful for your concern and friendship. Yes Corrine, I think a girls night is in order. I am leaving it to you to pick the night because your life seems to be the craziest these days. Let me know when!

Once I get my pictures downloaded from my camera, I'll have to post them. CRAZY.


  1. Thank goodness for insurance! Glad you have a few extra cars on hand!!!

  2. Oh my gosh, Karey! I am so sorry you guys got in a car accident! How horrible! Don't you hate it when you get in an accident and it isn't your fault, but there is no proof to show that? That happened to Brad and me. It sucks. Thank goodness for insurance, though! And I am so glad you are all ok. And I'm so glad you still have your cute little Honda! Let me know if I can do anything!

  3. Glad you have so many guardian angels. That is the ONLY good thing about so many loved ones having gone to heaven! I am glad no one is showing any further signs of distress!
