Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Baby it's Cold Inside

First, here is my frustration. I just finished typing my post and went to publish it and all of a sudden it vanished in to cyber world! So, now you are going to get the shortened version because I have to get other things done before my kids and husband get home.

It's a balmy 57 degrees in my house right now. Our heater has been giving us problems for over a month now. The pilot light keeps going out and then doesn't want to relight. Dave is pretty good at fixing most things, but I think this goes beyond his capabilities. I know I shouldn't complain to much because it is the original heater and we haven't had any problems with it before. Truth be, replacing it will probably save us money in the long run! Right about now I think my space heater is the best invention EVER!

Just FYI, The Children's Place is having a great sale. Items starting at $2.99. I know this because I went shopping for my new niece today. Did I mention my brother and his wife are having a baby girl? She is due June 7, 2010. I am so excited!

Off to go call on a new furnace and bake something to see if I can warm up the kitchen before the kids get home.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads up about the C.P. sale. I need to go see about some stuff for the Broder.
