Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lunch with the girls / Gender of the Baby!

Today I went to lunch with two of my favorite gal pals from my working days at American Express Financial Advisors, Heather and Heidi. I don't miss much about working at AMEX, but I do miss seeing these amazing ladies every day. They both helped me get through alot of crazy times. Thanks ladies, I think that both of you are fabulous.

I worked as a Planning Assistant for about 6 years. I didn't mind the work of a planning Assistant. It was actually rather interesting and, luckily I was able to pick up a few things along the way that have helped me over the years.

I feel very blessed that Dave has made it so that my job now is that of being a mom. Even though some days it's the toughest job EVER, I am very grateful to call it my career choice.

By the way just in case I haven't mentioned it before - lol, my brother and his wife are having a baby and they found out today that it is going to be a GIRL! So exciting!!!! I am sure my mom is up in Heaven right now saying, "I knew", that was one of her favorite lines! Can't wait to go shopping for my new niece. Gotta love the Children's Place. By the way did I mention that I work there. Gotta love the discount!!!!


  1. i gotta come with you shoppin!

  2. It is always fun to get some girl time and see old friends. How fun!
    I am a little freakin' right now that the baby is a GIRL, tried to call you earlier because I was dying to know. Can't wait to see if she has curly brown hair-I am sure it will take a little time, but still.....You're cute mom DID know! Tell them Congrats from us.

  3. So exciting! I love new babies(especially when I can give them back!)
