Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jack Bauer is doing it again!

Just got home from watching the season premier of 24 at my sisters house (which by the way is one of my favorite shows). I loved it, except for 1 thing. What the heck was Stefan from Vampire Diaries doing on the show? (Vampire Diaries being 1 of my other favorite shows). He played Jack's daughter Kim's husband. It was very bizarre, and I didn't like it much. I wonder if Kim knows that he is a vampire and madly in love with someone else? Anyway, back to 24. Jack did not disappoint. Once again he is out to save the day. There was a few moments I thought he might actually go and live with his daughter in LA, and her vampire husband, and try to live a normal life, but we all know that that is not how Jack Baure lives his life. It is his job to single handedly save the world. I for 1 am glad to know that he's out there. Oops, for a moment I forgot that Jack Bauer is a fictional character. Sometimes I get so carried away! lol


  1. My parents love that show too, although they rent the season on Netflix so they don't have to wait week to week!
