Friday, January 15, 2010

It's the Weekend

I know most people think I am strange, but I love Mondays. However, my other favorite day of the week is Friday. The kids are at school just long enough for me to get a few things done, the weekend is at hand, I don't have to get up early the next day, and most Friday nights we go out to eat, which is my favorite part cause I hate to cook. Welcome Friday!

Today Kalea meet her cousin Emmett (Jared's pit bull). There was not alot of Love going on between the two of them. The problem wasn't Emmett, it was Kalea. I'm going to cut her some slack for now, due to the fact she got out of heat last week. She might still be a bit hormonal. Hopefully they can work out their differences in the future, maybe in April when we get Kalea fixed.

1 comment:

  1. Uh-oh naughty Kalea! Hope they learn to be friends in the future. I do think you are crazy that you like Mondays, but I agree with you about Fridays. I am always glad to see them since I get three days off-including Friday. Hope your weekend is great!!!
