Thursday, January 21, 2010

"In good hands"

Just a quick shout out to my insurance company - ALLSTATE. (If you are not a 24 fan you won't understand what I am about to write, so here' a little explanation. The man who does the Allstate commercials use to play President Palmer on the series 24. Just fyi, he got killed off.) President Palmer has always said, "you're in good hands with Allstate". I use to think he was just feeding me a line, but not anymore. I got the estimate on my car repair, OUCH doesn't even begin to cover the dollar amount. Allstate is taking great care of us, so far, and my hope is that will continue. I feel really lucky in so many ways. WOW, what a week!

I watched the Bachelor today as I was ironing. If you haven't watched Mondays episode, stop reading now! I have to say I am so glad that Michelle and Elizabeth are gone! Michelle was psycho, and Elizabeth was a HUGE tease! As for the other girl that didn't get a rose, who was she? I don't ever remember seeing anything about her, no clips or anything. I remember her being in the background, but that's it. Now if he would only get rid of Vienna, I think she is weird and has creepy eyes. I use to like Ali, but I'm not so sure about her anymore, she is not as sweet as I thought she was at first. A couple of the others are showing "weird" tendencies as well. There are a few girls I like, but I'm not sure I have a favorite right now, truth be it doesn't matter who I like. I've heard reports about who Jake ends up with, I hope they aren't true! To funny!

I spent the morning ironing - yuck, and now I am going to go clean the shower - double yuck! Can't wait for this week to be OVER!!


  1. your daughter had a super fabulous goal at church soccer today! Tell her she did so great for me.

  2. I am so glad that getting the Tahoe isn't a nightmare. It sure helps the process when at least they are easy to work with!
