Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yummy, plus other stuff

Doctors appointment - rescheduled, Yea.
Attorney stuff - taken care of, now for the bill.
Costco Adventure with Michele - Fun, I too wish we could hang out together more.
Reading - ALWAYS! Latest book Beautiful Creatures.
Kids - All picked up and delivered home safely.
Activity Day Girls - Huge success with a recipe to share.

Today in Activity Day Girls we made, Listen to the Promptings of the Holy Ghost and Choose The Right... FUDGE! I did this activity years ago in Primary and the kids loved it. I gave the girls the opportunity to choose out of two ingredients as to what they wanted to put in the fudge. Example, cream cheese or regular cheese. While they were deciding, the Holy Ghost, aka Me, whispered in their ear what to use. It turned out great, plus in the end we had a yummy treat to eat.

This recipe is easy and tasty. It's great for outings such as camping. Hope you enjoy it!

Choose the Right....FUDGE

1 large freezer ziplock baggie
1/2 cup margarine softened
3 oz cream cheese softened
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup cocoa
3/4 bag powdered sugar

Put all ingredients in ziplock baggie. Get as much air out of the bag, then close. Squeeze baggie until ingredients are the consistency of fudge. Approx 20 min. Cut edge of baggie and squeeze fudge onto spoons to serve.

Have I ever mentioned that my favorite things are generally, fast, cheap, or easy!

1 comment:

  1. As long as you're not cheap, fast and easy, LOLOL!
    We almost did that fudge in a bag-man, I am just cracking myself up a lot these days, I need more sleep...for Riley's show and teach last week, he did warm fuzzy's instead. Cute twist on it though, I will have to keep it in mind.

    I am happy for you that you got to postpone the icky dr. appt. I get to go next month, I am not sure what is worse, weighing or the pap-I think it is a toss up in my world :o)
