Monday, April 26, 2010

Lack of COKE

Thanks to all of you who shared tips ideas with me, or at least just felt sympathy for me. It's nice to now that my kids are not the only ones who fight. Sometimes it feels that way, but I realize we are all going through similar things, just on different days!

Part of my lack of tolerance could be that I have not had a COKE in over a week. Just FYI, water is my FAVORITE drink - NOT, but if I keep telling myself that, maybe one day I'll believe it. I am not saying that I am giving up COKE, that is to final for me, I am just trying to cut back. I got to the point that I had to have a COKE every day. Once 10:00am came I was out the door to get my COKE. Surprisingly I have not had a migraine, quick, quick, knock on WOOD. Will see how this cutting back thing goes. I'm hoping to at least make it to the end of April - hehe.

Favorite for today: A day of sunshine and pleasant temperatures. Tomorrow is supposed to bring more of the same, and then dang it, Wednesday it's supposed to rain, snow, and be cold. Spring in Utah.

1 comment:

  1. well good luck with that! LOL! Just kidding! I really need to do the same thing. I think my family would be begging me to drink my daily caffeine because I'd be so grumpy! Congrats on making it a week!
