Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Beautiful Creatures

I finished my latestet book today, Beautiful Creatures. It was good, interesting... I can't say much more then that, because it is one of those books that you can't talk about or you ruin it for others. Honestly, it wasn't until they very end that I understood why they even named the book Beautiful Creatures. Not my favorite,but still a fun read. Moving on to the next book. I've got about ten or so books in my stack of to read pile. That doesn't include all the ones I want to read, that's just the books I have here at my house.

Favorite place to read, besides my closet. On the floor in my bedroom when the sun is shinning in.


  1. I'll have to get more details of the book later. I like to read in my closet too-I am a closet reader and I don't like to come out of the closet :o)

  2. Ok, I am a bathroom reader. That is the only place I can have peace and quiet! I need to give you back your book and get another from you! You'll have to lend me a really good one!

    Just read your fudge recipe. I am totally salivating! LOVE fudge. I will have to try it!

    Oh, and thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I miss you guys SO much!
