Monday, April 12, 2010

What Happened?

The day started off warm and spring like. Early afternoon, more of the same. By 3:30 the storm started rolling in and by 5:00 it was cold, rainy and yucky! What happened? Oh ya, I live in Utah, and that's the way the seasons go.

I apologize for swearing on my blog. Swearing is something I try to keep under wraps. Apparently I didn't do a very good job of it! What Happened? See my post about Kalea's Graduation. My sister-in-law pointed this out to me, she herself was laughing her A... off when she called to tell me about it. The banner at Kalea Dog School say, "Dog Training Class." Apparently in every picture Kalea is sitting in front of the CL, so the banner reads, "Dog Training A...! Oops!

Kassy tried out for the talent show at school. She sang I caught myself by Paramore. I thought she did a great job but unfortunately she didn't make it. What Happened? I myself would have never been so brave. I am proud of her for trying. There's always next year...

Yesterday in Sunday School we talked about the Word of Wisdom. The topic of caffeine came up...UGH! All day yesterday I felt BLAH. What Happened? I'll tell you what happened, I didn't have a coke. Today I went to lunch with Angela and Tiffaney - Five Guys - Yummy, I had 32 oz of Coke, man did it taste GOOD. Amazingly I didn't feel like Blah today. Hmmmm!

What Happened in your world today???

Favorite Sister: Jennifer - hehehe. Does that count cause I only have one sister!


  1. Still chuckle everytime I think about those pictures. Had fun at Costco today, I wish we could hang out more! Kassy is so awesome for trying out, I am proud of her-I would NEVER have had the guts...

  2. I am blown away as to why she wouldn't have made it. She is a good singer. What the competition in her age group that would have edged her out is a mystery.
