Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oops, I can't stand it!

Ooops I missed yesterday.

I can't stand it, the fighting in my house seems to be non-stop these days, Jessy and Cody battle constantly. They are driving me CrAzY!!! I honestly don't know what to do about it. I've taken away TV time, playdates, grounded them to their rooms, even given chores. Any suggestions because next might be checking me into the funny farm! HELP?!


  1. this isnt going to help, but it might give you all comes in phases! jeff and I used to be like that. we would fight about everything, then finally we stopped fighting and now we just tease it other.....have patience my great karey!!!!

  2. Whenever my brothers fought my mom would make them lie down with their heads next to eachother and make them sing an apology to each other. it usually resulted in laughter because of the silliness of that remedy, but everyone was usually happy again. for the most part. Obviously this can't be used regularly. Good luck! I'll be coming back to you in several years witht eh same question i'm sure!!

  3. If you go to the funny farm, can I come, too? I think some quiet time in an asylum doing basket weaving or staring blankly off into space sounds good!

  4. No suggestions but if you figure it out, please let me know!
