Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunburn and Secret

It was such a beautiful day today that I decided not to pick up a book, but to go outside and work in the yard. I spent several hours digging up weeds, and getting the garden area ready to plant. By the time I came in I was a little sunburned. I'm so not complaining, I love having a little sun on me. Maybe this might sound weird, or maybe I'm in line with others, but there is something about having a little color that makes me feel better about myself. Is that weird, or am I normal?

I have a secret..... tune in and I'll share in the next few days.


  1. YOU are PREGNANT! I knew it! LOL!

  2. HA! Love Angela's guess! Can't wait to find out what the secret is!

  3. Gad you got some sun! It always makes me feel better too!

  4. I agree that some sun makes everyone feel a little better, I don't know for some reason fat seems better if it is fried-lol! I hate secrets!!
