Monday, March 15, 2010

What'sup, Part II

Back to What'sup. At Matt's farewell (Dave's cousin), he was talking about how the Savior asked His disciples to come "Sup" with him. In the Scriptures "Sup", means to partake. We also might recognize the phrase in slang such as what'sup (pretty sure that's one word). SUP also could be an acronym, meaning S - Study, U - Utilize, and P - Pray. Matt told about a friend of his who has a picture of the Savior with his hand in a fist like manner, every time he passes this picture he brings his fist up and gives a "what'sup" to the Savior, using both the slang and acronym meaning of this word. Seeing this picture reminds him that the Savior has asked us to come "sup" with Him, to partake of His spirit, to utilize our time to learn about Him, and to pray to Him. Pretty sure that I will never hear the slang "what'sup" the same. I will think about this talk and "what'sup" really should mean.

Jessy went to the Doctor today. Poor girl has a sick tummy! Givin her some medicine that will hopefully help, but it's not going to be pleasant. Sorry Jessy!

Some of my Favorite Candies
1. Hot Tamales
2. Peanut M&M's
3. Snickers
4. Twix
5. Green Apple Laffy Taffy

1 comment:

  1. Hope Jessy is feeling better and Matt's farewell was truly inspirational. I LOVE the SUP!! What a great lesson to us all!
