Thursday, March 4, 2010

Email, text, or homing pigeon

Wouldn't it be nice if the answers to lifes toughest decisions where emailed, texted, or sent by homing pigeon?! I get the whole, "you learn from your experiences" thing, but we have been faced with so many LARGE, life altering desicions lately, and honestly I don't know what the right answers are. To make matters harder, when I thought I was making the right decision, it back fired and ended up making things worse. Now I am questioning all my decisions, doubting myself.

Could there really be no right or wrong answer in some cases? My mom often told me that if I didn't have a feeling leading me one way or the other that maybe both options are right. I know first hand that is not always the case, but is it true sometimes??? So confused! I told Dave last night that we were going to get chinese food so that we could get fortune cookies and that they could decide are future. I'll let you know how that works out!

One thing I don't need an email, text message, homing pigeon, or fortune cookie to tell me is how GREAT my kids are. Last night I went to parent teacher conferences and heard nothing but fabulous things about Jessy and Cody. I already knew that they were good kids (for the most part), but it is sure nice to hear others say how wonderful your children are and what a super job they are doing. Kassy is no differnet. I went to her school last week and run across the same thing. Way to go kids, I am so proud of you, keep up the great work!

Last but not least, a few of my favorite things:
1. The smell outside after it rains
2. Hand sanatizer
3. Salty and sweet together
4. Clorox clean up
4. Getting answers


  1. YES it would be so much easier if we could just receive answers that way, darn it! But we have to learn and grow, darn it again! Well, I say go for the fortune cookie route too but I sure hope a move isn't in your "future!"

  2. I would enjoy an email when I need answers!! Watch out for those fortune cookies. My last one said that I was soon going to find marriage! I thought I was already married!

  3. Ah Karey you are so cute!! I just love reading your blogs!! love ya!!
