Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Even though today wasn't as warm as it's been the past few days, I have officially started my spring cleaning. If you walk around my house you might not notice anything different, you might even say it is cluttery. That is due to the bags of "stuff" that need to be taken to the DI, as well as other random things that I need to get rid of. Open my cabinets and closets and you are sure to see a thing of beauty. They are nice and clean, not all of them, but I'm getting there. Hopefully I can keep them that way for awhile or at least until my dad and Pat come to stay with my kids. Ok there it is, the truth as to why my spring cleaning has begun. My dad is a clean freak and he is coming to stay at my house for a couple of days. I'm not sure he'll even go into my washroom, but by dang all the cabinets in their have been wiped down and cleaned out. Last time he stayed with the kids I left him some money to go out to dinner with and he ended up buying Lime Away with it so he could scrub my tub out, "Lime Away can do wonders", apparently it wasn't up to par. I'm not sure I'll get to my blinds before he comes, but if I don't, maybe I'll get lucky and he'll notice and clean them for me. (hint, hint, hopefully you'll read this dad - Doubt it, but a girl can hope.)

Tomorrow's goal is to get all the clutter stuff taken care of, then maybe a quick cleaning of the frig and under the sink. Major dusting and vacuuming will have to wait until last minute, as well as once more on the bathrooms, so that it looks spotless when he comes.

Favorite Veggies:

1. Peas from the garden
2. Steamed Cauliflower
3. Cucumbers
4. Artichokes
5. Asparagus cooked in butter and garlic


  1. Your dad could come to my house!

    Are you going somewhere fun??

  2. wow! you should leave your house as is and just let your dad do the spring cleaning for you. usually people that are clean freaks typically like to clean! have fun on your little getaway!

    p.s. you have the cleanest house anyway already!

  3. Good girl, hope you get it all done, it is more stress to leave and know people will judge you. Good luck!
