Monday, March 1, 2010

Bachelor Finally Shocker - Not

First a few of my favorite things:
1. Dave
2. Kassy
3. Jessy
4. Cody
5. Kalea

The season finally of the bachelor to myself as well as to many others was not a surprise. Still I found myself hoping that everything I had heard was wrong, unfortunatley it was RIGHT. However, now that it is all over, and as much as I didn't like Vienna, I hope Jake and Vienna can find happiness, because in this crazy, cruel, and some time insane life, we all deserve a little bit of happiness. Good luck Vienna and Jake.

1 comment:

  1. So, I actually got a little emotional watching Jake say goodbye to Tenley. I knew it was going to happen, but I was still sad. Tenley's voice drives me crazy, but she is really a geniunely sweet, good person. She handled it all very well. Jake and Vienna look very happy. Maybe they will prove us all wrong and have a long, happy life together.
