Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lifted by Sounds

This morning when my alarm went off, at 5:00am, I thought, "NO, I don't want to get up. Knowing that others were counting on my as their ride, I rolled out of bed and reluctantly got ready to go to the gym. Even while I was at the gym I dragged a bit, thinking, "I hate daylight savings time, and dang, I should be in bed." When I pulled into my driveway I contemplated climbing back into my bed and going back to sleep for 20 minutes before I got the kids up, but then, I opened the car door and heard an amazing sound that lifted my spirits. It was the sound of birds chirping. It was so beautiful. The sound gave me energy and hope that spring had begun to sprung. Hurray for spring time. I pulled out the flip flops, and man do they feel great on my pigs. I even covered my toenails with a coat of green finger nail polish. All I can say is, "top of the morning to ya." It's been a pretty great day!

Favorite things:

1. The sound of birds chirping
2. Flip flops
3. Pedicures
4. Bright colored fingernail polishes
5. The sun beating down on me


  1. Glad you could get a bit of renewal from the prospect of springtime. I have been reluctant to give up the flip flops I so proudly purchased in Hawaii. I am glad I can wear them without looking silly for a few days :o). Hope your green day was fab!

  2. Man, you could live out here and do early morning seminary if you can get up that early for the gym! Dedication!!!
    Love hearing the birds, I too don't care for this time change!!
