Monday, March 22, 2010

Black Hole

Jessy is still having stomach troubles. We thought we had gotten her issues in control last week, but dang it, not so much. We ended up back at the doctors office this morning. He said that the Stomach is like a Black Hole, it's difficult to see and figure out what is wrong with it. Because of that, we have to eliminate things one at a time. So, for the next week we are going to give Jessy prilosec to see if that helps, if not we go back in next week and they'll do an Ultra Sound on her stomach. Poor little girl, she seems to have all the "fun"!

On an upside, I was able to get my house all dusted today, now on to the vacuming. Most of my cupboards and closets have been organized. Gotta love spring cleaning!

Favorite Fruit: Watermelon


  1. I hope Jessy feels better soon. Poor baby!

  2. I hate when I hear about stomach problems. I will email you with some questions, we have lots of problems around here!!
