Saturday, March 20, 2010

Girls Night

I love being a mom and wife, but sometimes it is great to escape it and just hang with the girls! What a fun night! It turned out being a small group, a lot of people had to cancel at last minute, your loss ladies! The "girls" included Scarlett, Kristen, Melissa, Jennifer (my big sis), Corrine - later, and me. I'd post pictures, but Dave has the camera out at the desert.

We headed to the movie theatre to get our tickets, but were unable to get tickets to the show and time we wanted. We ended up seeing Remember Me. This was my second time seeing this movie, and I have to admit I loved it more the second time. I wished that there wasn't so much swearing in it, but I loved the story line and how it ended.... I know, I know, you that have seen it are thinking, "you loved how it ended". I did, it really made me think and ponder life.

After the movie we went and ate at 5 Guys Burgers and Fries. YUMMY!! Sorry Melissa and Kristen, I should have warned you that one large fry would have been sufficient for us all. What a blessing it is to have that restaurant here in UTAH. hehehe! I think it might have surpassed my favorite burger place which has been HIRES for years.

Mom callings came into place after dinner, and Kristen ended up going home. Kristen, don't feel bad about leaving, any of us would have done the same thing. Our motherly instincts kick in and we feel the need to protect, and take care of our kids, and our husbands. It's fun to get away from reality, but in the end our families take precedent. That's what being a good mom and wife is all about. Jennifer left after dinner as well, she didn't care about the next event - whatever, still love you!

Lost two gained one. Corrine had a show at the Desert Star, can't wait to see it, but hooked up with us after she was done. We headed to Walmart to get our copies of NEW MOON. We went to the Walmart in Jordan Landing, it wasn't very happening, but we were able to get our copies without any difficulty. There were some seriously weird people there!!! Great movies/books can bring out some real weirdos. I say that in the most loving way. After getting our movies we called it a night. I know that you are wondering if I stayed up and watched it, the truth is nope, and I still haven't watched it. However, I did watch the extras this morning and may I say, I can't wait until June when Eclipse comes out!!!!

Scarlett and I sat in her car and discussed the night after everyone else had headed out. We discussed our love for The Twilight Saga. I've come to the conclusion that I love the books and movies, but what I really love is the bond that I have created with some of my very most favorite people. Crazy how a book series has brought us together and made us so close. Thanks Stephanie Meyer.

Last but not least a confession. I keep telling myself that I am not obsessed and totally in love with the Twilight Saga, that I have moved on, but that is a big fat lie. I love it now more then ever!!! I am able to do other things and read other books, but I still go back to Twilight when I need a pick me up. So now you know the truth, I am a TWILIGHT JUNKIE!

PS. Thanks Dave for letting me have a girls night out, cleaning up puke (hehehe, I am so glad it was you that had to do it not me), and letting me obsess about Twilight, and not giving me to hard a time about it.

Favorite: do I even need to write anything here???


  1. AWWWW! Totally love this post. It was so fun being with my girls last night. Those who couldn't come really missed out. I'm grateful that you are a fellow "Twilight Junkie," But I am even more grateful you have become one of my best friends! Love ya!

  2. Glad you got to have a GNO, they are the best. The twilight series does bring out the freaks at Wal-Mart, SCARY!
    I too think the bond is one of the best things about the series. Missed you at Taylor's party. Hope Jessy is feeling better.
