Saturday, March 13, 2010


Yes, I did say snowy Saturday. Yesterday I was sure that spring was upon us, but today it snowed. Must be living in UTAH! I love snow, really I do, but I am ready for Spring, warm weather, and flip flops. I know it's right around the corner, and that's what got me through this snowy day!

The kids ans I spent the day shopping, perfect snowy day activity. Jessy and Cody both ended up with new spring wardrobes. About 15 items a piece! It was employee appreciation day at my work, and I got some killer deals that I couldn't pass up. I spent the same amount of money on Kassy but she only ended up with 5 new things. Bummer thing about bigger sizes, they come wit bigger price tags. She's asked me before when I'm going to get a job at Aero so I can get deals there, don't think that's going to happen any time soon. Lots of cute things floating around our house, just need some nicer weather.

Dave and I went and saw Remember Me, with Robert Pattinson. I'm not a huge Robert Pattinson fan, don't get me wrong, I do LOVE Edward, just not Robert Pattinson. I read that Remember Me was a good movie. I really liked it. It wasn't super up beat and happy, it was more realistic. Life isn't perfect, but you do it anyway. At first I wasn't sure where it was going and I kept thinking, great Dave's not going to let me live this down, thinking that I only wanted to see it because of Robert, but he liked it as well. There were a few scenes and words that I could have done without, but as a whole, 2 thumbs up!

Favorite Makeup items:
1. Can't live without eyeliner - like brown the best
2. Mascara is a must - Jet Black
3. Bronzer is FABULOUS
4. Love gold, copper and brown eyeshadow
5. Ever since High School I've worn pink lip gloss, can't get enough of it. It's my FAV!

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