Saturday, June 19, 2010


I live with a bunch of SLOBS!!!!! I'm not sure I can say anything more about this topic because it makes me so ANGRY! Seriously, how hard is it to make your bed, put your dirty clothes in the hamper - that is in your room sitting right next to the pile of dirty clothes!!! What about throwing away wrappers, or rinse off your dish and put it in the dishwasher when you are done eating. Generally the toilet seat gets closed, but is it to much to ask to flush the toilet after your done. ARGH!!! My list goes on and on but as I said before this topic just makes me ANGRY, so I better stop before I blow a gasket.

On a positive note, I won't have to paint bedrooms any time soon. Let me explain, I told my kids that I would paint their rooms when they could keep them clean for two weeks. That was last SUMMER!

Seriously, why is it so hard for kids to pick after themselves, why, why, why???


  1. Let me know when you figure it out. I live with slobs too. It looks like it's not just drama queens we have in common. :)

  2. If you find the answer to this, let me know!
