Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bree Tanner

I have to admit I was a bit disappointed when I heard that Stephanie Meyer was releasing a new book, and it wasn't Midnight Sun. At first I said that I wasn't going to read her upcoming book, but come on get real, I knew I would buy it and read it as soon as it came out, and I did!

I have read about 3/4 of it and honestly I like it. It gives you a whole new perspective of Stephanie's "vampires" and how Victoria planned her attack on Bellan and the Cullen's. It makes me kind of sad that I already know what is going to become of Bree, especially now that she has become a "real" character to me, one I am kind of liking. Stephanie Meyer herself said that she wished she would have ended things differently for Bree. Oh well, what do you do? Oh I know, you release Midnight Sun so I can have even more Twilight to obsess over! Hahaha

Gotta love that darn Twilight Series. 19 more days until Eclipse comes out!!!


  1. argghhh, I am dying for you to finish me as soon as you do!

  2. I really wish she would do Midnight Sun! It would be the best book ever made!!!!

  3. Oh my heck! I hate that we keep playing phone tag! I so want to talk to you, and get updated on everything. Like who you are not wanting to say nice things about.(From the previous post.) Of course I also bought this book. Haven't started reading it, yet. Started reading Fallen, but have took a break from it since I got asked to speak in church on Sunday. ARGHHH! Decided I should try reading only "uplifting" things this week. Next week I'll get back to my regular reading. LOL! Long comment, sheesh. I'll call you tom!:) Can't wait for Eclipse!
