Sunday, June 13, 2010

Home at Last

It's fun to get away, but it's always good to be home. What a crazy weekend. Dave was able to book us flights to Denver and get us a rental "truck" so that we could pick up doors at the BMC West Denver location. The whole thing sounded easy enough, but it WASN'T. After having are flight delayed 2 times, we finally made it in the air. Denver had been experiencing awful weather all day and we were lucky to even get on a flight. Once we got there, well after 11:00,pm we were able to pick up our luggage, on the 1 and only carousel that they had going for 6 or so flights. Denver's airport is gigantic. I was glad not to be there by myself, I would have gotten lost for sure. We got our rental car with out to much difficulty, and headed out to find a hotel for the night. The winds and rain were unbelievable, we found out the next morning that Denver had 12 tornado's form, one of them being directly over the airport, several of them forming right behind our hotel. The airport had been closed for a time, needless to say we were lucky to have made it at all.

The next day we began our drive home. It to was an adventure. The temperatures that we encountered ranged from 35 to 65 degrees. The weather was CRAZY, we ran into rain, wind, snow, sun, and extreme rain! At one time Dave had the windshield wipers going as fast as they would go, and it still wasn't fast enough! Their was large puddles of water on the roads, and streams running all over. I was pretty sure that as we were driving along side the Colorado River, I could see it raising.I was really glad when we made it into MOAB, the rain had stopped and the temperature was 63 degrees. Rather than continuing on we stayed in MOAB for the night. It was nice not to be in the car, or in a huge rush. We enjoyed a relaxing dinner and wondered the shops for a bit before heading back to our room to sleep!!! Dave slept so good he even snored a little, don't tell him I said that - lol.

This morning we began the final stretch home. Pretty sure we made record time, I'm not going to say how fast cause that might get us into trouble. There was seriously NO radio stations so I gave my Ipod to Dave and took a nap. I don't think I've ever been so glad to see I15, even with all it's construction. Finally we made it home, we got the rental truck returned and came home and took naps. I was seriously exhausted from sitting in the car doing nothing. The kids all got along and all seemed right with the world, at least for a short little time of it!

Thanks again to our dads who stepped into the role of care takers for the kids. We are super lucky to have such great families who are willing to do anything for us. We love you all!

Now, it's back to the real to go make some dinner!

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