Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My chemotherapy definition:

CHEMOTHERAPY: A bunch of medicine dripped into ones body, that is going to make you feel like crap, in hopes that it will help you get better.

As some of you may know, my baby brother was diagnosed with Cancer 2 weeks before his new baby girl was born (5 1/2 weeks ago). He had surgery to remove the cancer, but unfortunately when he had his ultrasound and cat scan, they found cancer in his lung and a lymph node. Two days after Harlow was born, he began Chemo. He entered his 4th week of Chemo this week. His doctor is very optimistic, but that doesn't change the fact that chemo makes him feel like crap.

Today I was the lucky one, I truly mean that, that got to go sit with him while the chemo dripped into his body making him feel terrible. It broke my heart to see his bald head, even though he looks good with no hair, and how worn down he looks. The highlight of the day was when I got to take him home and see how happy he was when he got to see his "girls". What a blessing they are in his life!

There was a time in my life when I felt a great need to torment my little brother, now I feel this overwhelming need to take care of him, I guess that's what big sisters do, on both accounts.

Please pray for my little brother. This week has been hard on him, and I know he and his little family have many more difficult weeks ahead.



  1. Karey, I am so sorry about your brother. I have been thinking about my brother lately. I don't know if I could handle something like this. My prayers are with you and him.

  2. I'm sure you are the best big sister a brother could have. Glad you got to be with him today. I'm sure he is so grateful for all the love and support his family is giving him in such a scary time. LIfe is "no fair!" hmmmph!

  3. Definetly lots of prayers headed his way...My visual picture of him breaks my heart. I truly hope he is getting to enjoy his little baby. Anything we can do, please let me know!

  4. I am so sorry "your" Jared has cancer. I hate that word. Todd's mom is battling again and I hate it. Sending prayers your way.

  5. He is very lucky to have such a wonderful big sister looking out for him! I hope the best for him and his little family!
