Monday, February 1, 2010


We all have problems in our lives, that is a given. My question to ponder is this: Just because 1 persons problems aren't as "huge" or "life altering" as the next, does that make their problems any less significant? I'm gonna go with no, but am I wrong? I realize that I stress over goofy things sometimes and that what I worry about might not have an impact on anyone but me, but to me, some days those "insignificant" things I stress about seem like "mountains" not "mole hills". I am grateful for the fact that I am generally an optimistic person, but everyonce in awihle I see the world through a half empty cup, even if it is due to something kind of trivial. Pretty deep for a Monday - lol!


  1. Even if your stress for the day is whether to have turkey or ham for lunch it is still a stress to you and should not be lessened. We all have our stresses and no one should ever make you feel less significant because you're not solving world hunger. Call me to cry about your stress big or small anytime. Sometimes my stress is small too but it is STILL a stress! Love ya!!

  2. I don't think anyone's "problems" or "stresses" are insignificant at all. However, whenever I am stressed or dealing with a problem I always tell myself that it could be worse or someone else has it worse because it is true someone else is always struggling with something much more worse. It helps me to look at all the things I don't have to stress about at the moment and be grateful for all that I have.

  3. p.s. especially at times like this for example. With all the devastation going on in Haiti, I really don't feel worthy to be stressing about trivial things. My house is a mess right now, I don't know what I am going to make for dinner, I am not the perfect mother I would love to be, my husband could quit his job at any given second, but at the end of the day I have so much to be grateful for that my cup runneth over!
