Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Inspired by Others

I hadn't planned on blogging yet today, but when I turned on the computer to do some things for activity day girls, I automatically typed in my blog. Since it was open I of course had to catch up on every ones blogs. I just want to tell my fellow bloggers how much I love reading your entries.

As I was reading Shandy's blog I felt as if she was taking words right out of my head. I however couldn't put them as eloquently as she did. She wrote about feelings. Because of her inspiration, I am going to right a few of my own. Shandy, I hope you don't mind that I copied your idea.

First, no one can make me "feel" anything. How I feel is up to me.

Happy: I know it's out there it's just not always easy to find. I have to remind myself to find happiness in the little things! Happiness doesn't always come in large doses.

Angry: Do I have anger issues? I'm afraid that some days I do. I really do try to control it, but sometimes I get so ANGRY I have to scream!!!

Sad: I feel sad about a lot of things. I think the most important thing is to not let sadness bring me down into despair because it could - REALLY!

Loneliness: There are days that I am surrounded by people, yet I feel alone. I know that there are many who would do anything for me, thanks. However, sometimes I still feel alone.

Stress: Big, small, I stress about it all. That was a little rhyme - hehe

Feelings, whoa whoa whoa feelings.... So many things to feel!

I was also inspired by LuAnn who is working on a list of her favorite things. Because sometimes I "feel" sad, I thought it might be a great idea to think about happy things. So today I am going to write down a couple of my favorite things. I'm also going to try to add a favorite list to my everyday blogging.

1. L - O - N - G Hot showers
2. Tulips poking out of the dirt
3. Dishwashers
4. Take Out
5. Eyeliner


  1. Nice post, thanks for the opportunit to reflect on my own feelings. I hope some of those feelings are a litle more in control lately! Nice list of your fav's too!

  2. Ah Karey you rock!! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who is having this problem. It's good to know there is someone who I admire who is dealing with it too!! Love ya!!!
