Thursday, February 25, 2010

East/West Split

Before I get started on my East/West Split, here are a few of my favorite things:
1. A good book to read to take me to another place
2. Target - by the way, the Target on Redwood Road and 67 ish South is "MY TARGET"
3. Hugs
4. Sleeping in
5. Fuzzy sox

Like most parents, I have followed the division of the school districts. I was terribly disappointed when the division took place, realizing that the West side was going to be hit hard. I was just watching channel 5 news and heard this comment, "The East/West split should have never happened." I'm sure there are many of us who agree with this statement, and a few who don't. Having spent my entire growing up years on the East side, I often consider myself an East side snob - it's the truth, I admit it. However, I am saddened by the split, and the hit the West side seems to be taking. Even if I was still living on the East side, I would see the inequality of what is happening. We need equality for all students regardless of where they live. I truly hope that something can be done to change what is going on and bring equality to both sides of the valley.

Like many students, Kassy was faced with the decision of walking out of class today. She choose to stay in class, not because she doesn't support the reason for the walk out, because she does. She chose to do what she felt was best for her. I am proud of you Kassy. She realizes what the split and lack of funds means for her future education, less money, fewer teachers who make less money, larger class sizes, cutting of extra curricular activities, and many other losses.

It is my hope that this problem will be remedied and that equality will be brought to the Jordan school district. Equal funding for the East and West side, is that asking for to much? I think not!

Shout out to the River 4th Ward YW Soccer Team - Winners of the Gold Medal! HAHAHA I have Olympics on the brain.

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