Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow Day

I know there are many of you that don't like the snow, but I LOVE IT! Can't say that I love the cold, but I do love the snow. It makes everything so clean and pretty and fills me with HOPE. Hope is one of my favorite things in the world, somedays it's the only thing that keeps me going. Hope that things will work out, Hope that we will make it through crazy times, Hope for happiness in the future, and Hope for greater things to come! This Holiday Season I wish for all of you to have HOPE in your lives.

Have a Marvelous Monday!


  1. Love snow in the mountains, but hate the cold it brings to the valley. That being said some of my favorite mornings were back when I worked at Holladay, and driving down Holladay BLVD with all those giant trees covered in snow was GORGEOUS, I would revel in it all the way to work...sigh, but I do HATE driving in the snow!!

  2. Karey, I am so happy to know a fellow snow lover. I have always enjoyed the snow. I have to admit that sometimes I hesitate to admit it; some people can be down right nasty when it comes to snow. My favorite is fresh snow at night; the world seems to glow.
