Friday, December 4, 2009

Coke in Hand - Thighs Burning

As many of you know I am addicted to Coca-Cola! My addiction has gotten pretty bad lately, I need to have at least 32 oz of Coke almost every day. Plus it has to be "good" coke, not grossy 7 Eleven coke, theres is terrible. Bateman's is ok, but the best coke comes from Apollo Burger or Hires (with vanilla - darn near Heaven). Do you think it might be time for an intervention? - or not! My coke looks so beautiful sitting next to me, it makes me smile just looking at it, knowing it is there for me to have a sip of when ever I want! Slurp, slurp - ahhh so yummy! Seriously though, don't mess with my COKE! lol Again, slurp, slurp!

I use to be really good at going to the gym, but when I pulled a muscle earlier this year and got migraines, (Which by the way I drank ALOT of Coke to help with the pain! Gotta, love it when the doctor tells you to drink caffine!) I stopped going. Anyway, after that I slacked off. I told myself all summer long that I was getting my exercise with the "stuff" I was doing with my kids. Unfortunatley Jeans don't lie so when I put my favorite pair of Jeans on and they didn't fit right, I decided it was time to hit the weights. I tried the 5:30 am thing again and I just couldn't do it so I started going after I dropped my kids off. I like 8:30 am alot better, but I felt as if I was wasting alot of my day. Still I couldn't seem to drag myself out of bed to make it any earlier. I was talking to my visiting teacher on Sunday and she told me that her and another lady in the ward go to the gym at 5:30 am. I got invited to go with them, YEA, finally someone to go with. Don't take me wrong, I still don't like going at 5:30 am, but when you have someone to go with it makes it alot easier plus, they have routines that they do. Somedays I felt as if my efforts were wasted due to my lack of knowledge of what weights to use and not having a routine! Thanks to Charity and Sandra for including me in their "fun"! This morning we did squats, lunges, dead lifts, and several other leg burning machines. It was GREAT! I honestly love the burn, it feels fabulous! I really thought I would be stiffer then I am, maybe my efforts haven't all been in vain after all!

Hope you all have a fun Friday!


  1. There are worse addictions.Thanks for your comment on Fri. Sounds like a similar situation. There is nothing like a mother's love.

  2. Having a work out buddy or two makes all the difference! Keep it up, great job!!
