Thursday, December 10, 2009

Frozen Pipes

I like snow, I like winter, but even I have my limits and the past few days temperatures are pushing them (or should I say freeeeezing them?) The temperature is a bit cold for my liking. Anything below 30 is just too darn cold. The pipes in my laundry room agree with me! I tried to do a batch of laundry and much to my dismay discovered that our pipes were frozen. Luckily not bad enough to burst. I turned the heat up to 80 and opened the heat vent in the laundry room all the way. Sat the floor heater on top of the washer and angled it at the wall, placed a bin under the faucets, shut the door and hoped for the best! After about an hour the pipes thawed out and water started flowing - glad I put the pins down. YEA!!! Dave said I need to run the washer everyday to keep the pipes from freezing again. Oh boy won't that be super fun! Truthfully I am just glad it was an easy fix. We had this happen once before and we ended up having to tear out the wall! What a pain, so I guess I'll be happy with doing a batch of laundry everyday!

I can't believe it is already Thursday - Wow where is the time going? Only 14 more days until Christmas. Better get your shopping done!


  1. Yikes, glad you caught it. So fun for you to do a batch of laundry a day!! ugggghhhhh!

  2. That is lucky! We got a phone call the other day and someone else in your area had that same problem, in their kitchen and they weren't so lucky as to catch it!
    Enjoy your laundry!
