Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow Day #2 - LOVE IT

Dave came into our room this morning and said, "It snowed last night. I have to go to a meeting, but I'll come home and shovel after I am done - if you want me to, I know you like to shovel." I said, "heck no, I've got it!" I hopped out of bed and went out to shovel. Like I said yesterday, some of you might think I am weird for liking snow while others, I've leardned, like it as well - Yea LuAnn. However, you all might question my sanity when I say I LOVE TO SHOVEL SNOW! I'm not exactly sure why, but I just LOVE IT! My favorite is first thing in the morning when no one else has been out and it's untouched and perfect! I also love it late at night when it's dark, the snow sparkles and makes everything seem kind of magical. Snow like todays snow was the best, not to wet or heavy, I felt as if I was in a snow globe. It was fabulously fun! I will admit I am a bit sore from my shoveling (as well as my arm workout from the gym yesterday), but that is all part of the fun - feel the burn, love the burn! Dave has suggested buying a snowblower, I'm not sure how I feel about that... it might take away from the "fun" of it! Hope you all enjoy the snow - you have to admit it makes everything look beautiful! Just so you don't think I am to weird, I HATE TO DRIVE IN IT!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!


  1. Snow is beautiful. If you ever want to shovel, I've always got plenty to lend you :o)

  2. I love to vaccuum...people think that's weird! LOL! I am not a fan of the snow. I hate being cold, I don't ski, I hate driving in it, and it only looks pretty where it has been untouched like on the trees and stuff. I would like it more if I didn't have to drive in it but with 5 kids that NEVER happens! Yes, the snow makes me grumpy sometimes!
