Friday, November 13, 2009

The Chelsea Challenge - Day 1

As many of you may know, I have the word "SUCKER" printed across my forhead and I say yes to most everyone and everything. I am trying to be better at that, but I just feel guilty when I say no. Especially because there is so much in this world that needs to get done. Anyway, because of that I have a tendency to get myself involved in way to much and often stuggle to get everything done. To make things worse, I am dragging physically these days and can barley stand the idea of staying up past 9:00 (crazy because I am a night owl and 1:00 am seems early to me). I really need to go get my B12 shot, but like I said I don't usually make alot of time for myslef! I think that might be the norm for alot of us. Anyway, I didn't mean for this to be a winey post, so on to my real reason for this post. Last Sunday in YW's our YW class president challenged all of us to make a blog and update it on a daily basis. Making the blog sounded okay to me, but posting to it everyday seemed a little overwelming. Oh, who am I kidding, ALOT overwelming. We were told we could start whenever we wanted, but once we started, we had to post everyday! Chelsea, I accept your challenge! Here it goes!

The Chelsea Challenge - Day 1
Today I started my day dropping Jessy and Cody at school, stayed at the school for a PTA meeting (see paragraph above - can't say no). After the meeting it was time to take Kassy to school, I hate the late friday schedule, it is the pits. Came home and puttered around for awihle. Thought about going to the gym, but just couldn't bring myself to go. Maybe later. Came downstairs to work on my YW lesson for Sunday and decided I would start the "Chelsea Challenge. I have 1 short hour left before it is time to start picking kids up - AGAIN. I am hoping that Dave and I will be able to go to the temple tonight. We haven't been in awihle and I think it would be a great thing for both of us to go! I'll let you know in tomorows post if it worked out!

So there you go, there's my day. Honestly, don't feel obligated to read my daily posts, but know I am going to do my darndest to post. Hopefully it will get easier with time!

Happy wishes to you all.


  1. I always say that you are super mom! I have a had time saying No too--I totally understand that. But you are wonderful and we hope to see you tonight at the temple! I know it's been a while for me to go....speaking of which, I better go find my rec...see ya! :) You're great~!

  2. Welcome to the challenge! I know you can do it! I love the New Moon soundtrack by the way!

  3. Chelsea got ya! Me too. Isn't she something? Thanks so much for all you do for her!!!!

  4. Its good to hear you're taking the challenge! You are welcome to check out my challenge blog if you are interested.
