Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday's Accomplishments

Another Saturday has come and is quickly on it's way out! Where do the weekends go? I think the weekends should be Monday - Thursday, Friday and Saturday week days and Sunday, well just be Sunday. Let's take a vote, all in favor say "I".

I got tons accomplished, if you don't believe me come by my house. The leafs are all raked up and I even mowed after I was done raking to make the grass look extra beautiful. I think I might be a bit OCD about a few things. When the wind blow and dropped a couple of leaves on my grass, I had to go pick them up. Whew, I'm sure glad it's not windy tonight! After the lawns were done I moved to Chrismtas Lights. Can you believe we are a month away from Christmas? I sure can't!! Anyway, got the Christmas lights all hung! Yea, one thing to mark off the Christmas preparation list.

This evening I took the girls to Target - gosh I love that store! They wanted to do some Christmas shopping. Jessy decided she liked looking for things she wanted rather, than for things to buy others. Her list is about a mile long. It was fun to hang, just me and my girls.

Ended the night with Pizza and now everyone is watching Star Trek. Better run so I don't miss anymore of the movie. Yes I am a "Trekey" Fan.

Happy Saturday!


  1. You hung the lights and did the leaves? What is wrong with that picture?

  2. Good girl, lots accomplished and you even blogged. I am impressed at how well you are doing. Glad you got some bonding time in with the girls! I need some bonding time with girls...
