Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Only 10 Minutes

I have 10 minutes before I have to be at Cody's class to help out, so this is going to be quick!

Last night was the fireside with Sister Dalton. She is amazing. I felt truly blessed by being in attendance. She filled the auditorium with the spirit, something I'm sure that a junior high auditorium is not use to. I am getting a bit ahead of myself. Before Sister Dalton spoke a yw choir performed. 2 girls from our ward, Jessica and Kassy (yes, my Kassy), sang in the choir. It was so beautiful and set the perfect tone for the meeting. A group of girls were in the auditorium while the rest of them waited in the hallways. The first group began singing and then the girls from the halls filled in and added their voices to the group. It gives me goose bumps even now thinking about it. It was very powerful to hear these girls singing. The yw who sang truely are choice spirits who have been saved for these latter days to be Keepers of His Light!

Oh my gosh, my 10 minutes is already up. I'll have to come back and finish this post later.