Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 2 - The Chelsea Challenge

Thanks so much to all of you who commented yesterday. It made me feel so loved. I just need to figure out how to get all of your Blogs on to mine so that I can check up on your craziness, oops I meant lives. Michele, I think you might have to come for another visit because I am a total computer tard and pretty much forgot how to do most of the things you showed me how to do when I set my blog up. Andrea, I can't wait to check out your blog and see what is new in your life - your little girl is sooooo dang cute!

We made it to the temple last night - Yea! I'll tell you what, I am pretty sure that "someone" didn't want us to go. What an ordeal! Ordeal # 1, I couldn't find my temple recomend. Found my old one in my temple bag, but no sign of my new one. I knew I had one because I used it when we did baptisms for the dead not that long ago. I searched, but had no luck in finding it. I ran next door to the bishops house, he wasn't home but his wife had him call me. He said he could call over to the temple. I told him I'd look for awihle longer. Kassy came upstairs and asked what I was doing, told her I couldn't find my recommend, she said "this is the purse you took, did you look in it?" "Of course" I said. "How about this pocket? It feels like thers is something in it." She opened up the pocket and low and behold there was my recommend. Yea Kassy, you saved the day. Ordeal #2. The time was now 5:30 and no sign of Dave. I called and text him, but no response. He had had a really bad day and when I had talked to him earrlier he said he wasn't in the mood to go to the temple. I told him, "All the more reason to go." At 5:55pm he came through th door. So much for making the 6:00 session with the ward. Dave still wasn't sure he wanted to go, to bad for him our temple stuff was by the front door, I was all dressed and ready to go, and his clothes were laid out on the bed. Finally we made it out the door which lead us to ordeal #3 - TRAFFIC! The traffic was terrible. It took us almost 40 minutes to get to the temple. Now I am sure there are people in the world that would say, "It took you ONLY 40 minutes", but for us that was a long time. (I know, we are super lucky to have so many temples near by. Sometimes I take that for granted, ok let's be honest, I always take that for granted!) Horray we made it to the 7:00 session. We really need to be better about going. We don't have any excuse. I am reminded of the talks given in general conference, " if the bretheren can find it in their busy schedules to go to the temple, we should be able to find time as well." I am goint to try to be better in the future about "finding time". It was a perfect date night and I am glad that we went!

Now it is Saturday, Dave and I got up and went to the gym this morning - another perfect date! I didn't really want to go, but glad I did. Now it's time to finish cleaning the house and putting together a lesson. Dave thinks we should go on a ride this afternoon. I am pretty sure that will involve some kind of mud. Oh boy.

Happy Saturday to you all!


  1. hey, I am one of those people that think 40 minutes to the temple isn't bad, but for Utah that is TERRIBLE!! Did you go to Jordan River? If you did, that is ridiculous traffic! Keep up the posting!

  2. You are good kids to go to the temple despite all the ordeals, sometimes it just becomes too hard and we give up. Good job powering through! Thanks for the visit today, we love you guys and hope you know that!
    I'll be over next week to help with the blog, always glad to be needed! :o)
