Thursday, May 27, 2010

So Catty

I believe that Junior High girls are the very worst! The meanest, most emotional, awkward, sensitive, moody, back stabbing, back talking, and just down right nasty. Some girls are worse than others, and just for the record, I don't exclude my own daughter from some of the items, depending on the day.

I have heard from more than one person that Kassy so called cheated to win her SBO election. The kids are supposed to make posters and give a speech, they aren't supposed to hand out treats or anything else during the week. Kassy hung her posters with green duct tape. She gave a half a dozen of her friends pieces of duct tape, not as a bribe, cause really what kind of bribe is green duct tape, but because they wanted a piece. I guess some might see that as passing out "something" to further your campaign, but come on, duct tape, are they serious?! Some of these same kids that are complaining about the duct tape are also saying that Kassy sent out a text saying, "don't vote for .....". Here's my take on that, first, I asked Kassy and she said she didn't. Second, I can check Kassy's messages to see if there is an outgoing text like that, and third, she knows that if I found out she did send a message like that out I would take her phone away so fast her head would spin. All in all the entire thing makes me sad.

I'm not saying Kassy is perfect, see above comment, she did make some mean remarks about one of the girls posters being "CUTE/Girly". She and I have already discussed how inappropriate and rude those comments were.

The craziest thing to me about all of this is that these kids are going to have to work together as SBO's next year.
I am truly sorry to the kids that were offended by Kassy passing out her pieces of duct tape. I can't imagine that it really swayed people, and I know she didn't do it to "cheat". She really didn't see the harm in a few pieces of green tape. As for the text message, if anyone can prove to me that she sent one, I'd really like to see it. So far no one has been able to come up with this text.

The craziest thing to me about all of this is that these kids are going to have to work together as SBO's next year. Isn't getting along, helping build unity at the school, and being an example to others what being an SBO is all about? I hope these kids can put all of this behind them and be great SBO's next school year. This is the time of their lives that they should be enjoying, not bickering over a few pieces of tape, who's poster is to"cute/girly", or who had the ballet box stuffed in their favor. Enjoy these days of youth because they disappear way to FAST!

Junior High - I truly believe that if you can make it through these years of your life, you can make it threw anything!


  1. I hope all of this dies down and they can just enjoy the experience. After we spoke today, what occurred to me is this-THEY BOTH WON!!!! I mean I can see a little cattiness if one of them had lost but SERIOUSLY-THEY BOTH WON! Seems like a giant waste of time to me. Hopefully it won't put a cloud over next year because if it does,not only is it a disservice to the girls, but also to the 8th graders that they are supposed to be representing, I'm just sayin....
