Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wow - What a week!

The past week has been filled with so much! I'm not sure I can fit it all into one entry. Birthday, High School 20 year reunion and 3 first days of school. That's only what I'm going to try to fit into this entry. Plus the week isn't done. We still have one more birthday on Saturday and it's a big one - DAVE turns 40, but wait I am getting a head of myself. So let's get started.

I'm just learning how to add multiple pictures. My sister in law went over it with me, but I still did it wrong. So I am starting with today and working my way back.

Cody's first day of 1st grade! 8/27/09
I can hardly believe that my baby boy is in 1st grade and will be gone all day. I'm going to miss him a lot! I think he was excited and nervous all in one this morning , but he did great as he waited in line with all the other 1st graders as they waited for the "big day" to begin. I'm pretty sure it was harder on me then it was on him. I'm so excited to talk to him this afternoon to find out how his 1st day was, what he thought about lunch (decided on school lunch today, already has his lunch number memorized), did he meet new friends, like his teacher, what he learned, what was his favorite part, the list goes on and on. I can't wait until 2:40 when I get to go pick up my baby boy!!

Jessy's 1st day of 2nd grade! 8/26/09
Jessy wasn't sure she was excited for school to start. Last week when we were able to check the class lists to see who's class Jessy was in she had a complete come apart. Not one of her 3 best friends were in her class and to make matters worse, they were all in the same class. As we left the school parking lot she was sobbing that it wasn't fair. I told her it was going to be fine and she said. "no it's not, this is tearing my heart out." After that we both sobbed as I thought to myself, this is tearing my heart out. I considered trying to get her moved to the other class, but decided against it. This will be a great opportunity for her to grow and to make new friends. She wasn't to excited to go the 1st day of school, but she did and by the time she got home she was asking for a play date with her new friend! Yea - Heart hasn't been torn out after all!
Kassy's 1st day of 7th grade! 8/25/09
It does not seem possible that I could have a 7th grader. I'm to young - right? I still remember 7th grade like it was yesterday - what an awesome, scary, crazy, hormonal time. I'm so glad she had a friend to car pool with and someone to walk into school with the 1st day. It's always easier to face a challenge when you get to do it with someone! I wanted to take a picture of Kassy and her friend Brianna at the school on the first day, but they told me "NO". Apparently that's not "cool". The 25th was what Kassy called FFD (fake first day). Only 7th graders were at the school. I thought it was great opportunity for the 7th graders to find their way around and get somewhat use to things before the upper class men started. School only went until noon that day and then I got to go with her to walk around to all her teachers and meet them. we spent a good 20 minutes at her locker trying to get it unlocked. I had no problem with it, but she was baffled by it. Hopefully she'll be able to figure it out so she doesn't have to carry all of her things around. My hope is that she will make life long friends and find where she fits in! So far no one has made fun of her name. Dave and I were both worried about that - hopefully that will continue to be the case.
Good Luck to my kids. I am so proud of each of them for the things that they have accomplished and look forward to watching them grow this school year!
Speaking of school, August 21st and 22nd was my 20 year high school reunion. I had a blast going back to Highland High Schools court yard for an alumni mingle on Friday night. Below is a picture of my friend Belinda and I. She brought me the beautiful crown and necklace to wear in honor of my birthday. I joked with people when they asked why I had a crown that it was because I wasn't homecoming queen in high school and I was trying to get votes for the upcoming school year. No one believed me and the truth usually came out that it was my birthday. It really was a fun way to spend my birthday. However, I did miss being with my family that night.
Highland High Class of 89' - Go Rams!
Karey and Belinda
Saturday night was dinner at The Point in the Huntsman building. It was fun to see so many people from my younger years. Crazy how things change but yet still stay the same. I think that the guys from my class must have all shrunk because they all seemed so short, or maybe that's due to the fact that Dave is so tall. I told Dave he would have felt like a giant had he come. (No he didn't come and that was OK for both of us, I knew he would be bored and that it would be easier without him there - that way I could flirt with all my old boyfriends - Just Kidding!)

Karey, Priscilla and Tina - Class o 89' So there you have it. Now you understand when I titled this, "Wow - What a week!" Scary part is that's not even all of it, but that's all I'm going to blog about today. It's time to go get my house cleaned! No rest, even for mom's who's kids are now all in school!


  1. What an emotional week, I am glad that you survived. I am proud of all you have accomplished on your blog too. However, you REALLY have to get the playlist off or make it your own. I hate that Blame it song, and it gets stuck in my head!!
    I am proud of your kidlets, I think they will all do fantastic! Love them all to pieces!

  2. You did have a big week! Good for you for going to your reunion. I was thinking about going to mine, but didn't. I'm sure I'll regret it one day. Your kids look so cute on their first day of school. You're an empty nester now! I truly dread that next year.

  3. Crazy Life!! Actually you had me crying with the whole CodY thing...I cant think about Rossen being gone. Love the blog, so much fun. You are my idol. Love you tons!!

  4. Ok, just checking this out for the first time and when it came on all of a sudden 'Blame It On th alcohol' song came on, and I was wondering what in the world happened to my friend!!!! Then I read your problem!!

    I love that you started this blog. I love to be able to keep in touch with all my friends now that I am across the country, and this is the easiest way to do it!!! Keep it up, but fix the music!!!!!!

    I can't believe Cody is in 1st grade! They grow too fast! Braden started HIGH SCHOOL yesterday! It is killing me!!!

  5. Oh my gosh! What a week! Can't wait to talk to you to get the update on how everything went! Looks like your reunion was a blast. Miss ya and love ya! Lets plan a girls night to go see Ashley!
