Thursday, August 20, 2009

I got an email awihle back that asked how old are you. For every year you had to write something down that people might not know about you. It's taken me awihle to come up with a list, but here it is debuing on my Blog.


1. I love it when it warm and rains.
2. Wanted to be a psychologist when I grew up - FYI still waiting to grow up.
3. I've always wanted a red jeep!
4. Broke my 1st bone at age 36 - my thumb.
5. I hate scarey movies.
6. Drew Barrymore is my favorite female actress.
7. Matthew McCognhey(sp?) is my favorite male actor, but Ryan Reynolds might surpass him.
8. I was a lifeguard at Raging Waters until I got married - I love being tan!
9. Can't stand cooked spinich, but love spinich dip.
10. All my kids names end in "Y" - yes that was on purpose.
11. Dated mostly blonde, blue eyed boys, but married tall, dark and handsome!
12. Marriage Rules: 1. Thighs must be bigger than mine. 2. Full head of hair.
(failure to comply could result in divorce - lol)
13. Loved to play The Dukes of Hazard as a kid. Bo Duke was always my boyfriend!
14. I am a huge Star Trek and Star Wars Fan.
15. Could live on Coke and Hot Tamales.
16. Love the smell of most anything tropical.
17. I would love to go the Fiji Islands.
18. Took ballet as a girl, was a toy soldier in our ballet studios version of The Nutcracker.
19. Played the Guitar when I was younger - need to start playing again.
20. Have super long nail bases - it's true!
21. Love having my toe nails painted, but can't stand my fingernails painted.
22. Had surgery on my toes at the age of 18. Can't bend 5 of my toes now - GROSS!
23. 2nd toe on my left foot is WAY longer than 2nd toe on my right - Toes are so ugly!
24. 1 of my baby teeth on the bottom never fell out.
25. Wore braces for 18 months - see above problem
26. Hated my curly hair when I was younge, but now I love it!
27. Fought like cats and dogs with my sister when we were younger. Now she has cats, I have a dog, and we are the best of friends - truth be known, I would be lost without her!
28. My little brother and his wife traveled the world for a year - I lived vicariously through there Blog. Probably the closest I'll ever get to traveling the world.
29. I am computer "STUPID" - I admit it!
30. I love the smell of the heater the first time it clicks on in the fall.
31. I love to curl up in a blanket and sit on the heat vent when it's cold outside - of course I crank the heat up to about 80!!!
32. Love the Twilight Series - but then most everyone already knows that about me.
33. Get engrossed in a book and become a closet reader - it's the only place I can go to get some peace and quiet.
34. Sometimes I hide in the bathroom to read - whatever works!
35. I love going to the State Fair.
36. My very 1st concert was ERASURE - they were great!
37. Always wanted an even number of kids (2 or 4), that way no one would ever get left out when we went on the rides at Lagoon. I've decided 3 is a REALLY good number. 1 of them can just bring a friend.
38. I am glad that I am turning 29 tomorow - lol!

So there you have it, things you may or may not have known about me. Hope it made you laugh or at least brought a smile to your face!


  1. It's so fun to read this stuff! I knew we had alot in common, but it's so crazy some of the stuff we both like. For example, you love the smell of the heater when it's first turned on in the fall. That is seriously one of my fav smells. I thought I was a little crazy for liking that. Maybe I am, and you are just a little crazy with me! I LOVE Erasure! I want an even number of kids.(We'll see if that happens!)I also hide in the bathroom to read! And you know I LOVE Hot Tamales! Ok, this has turned into a way long comment, so I'll go now.

    P.S. Have you emailed everyone to let them know you started a blog?

  2. That was super fun, I am patting myself on the back because I knew almost all of those. That means I have done a good job and being a part of your life :o). Glad you are part of mine. I'm on my way out the door right now to come help you make your blog "fancy"...
